Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Knowledge is Power

Summer break's over. So that only means one thing - it's schooltime once again! Yay!  How I wish enrolment's a breeze tomorrow. No long lines I hope!

You know what else I am 'Yay'-ing about?

I love that my days off from work has been moved to Friday and Saturday! Yay! Last semester was really a nightmare. Imagine getting off work at 7am and then rushing off to school (with no sleep at all) because you need to be on time for your 7:30AM class! Horrendous!  At least now I can get enough sleep before attending my Saturday classes. I love it. No more sleepy episodes in school. Double backflip! :)

This is a good start of the month.

Hope you guys are starting June with good vibes too! And to all the kids reading my blog, remember "School is Cool". Hehe. As if I have barely-legals reading my unpure shit. LOL.

The Unpure Teacher's Pet,


1 comment:

Nimmeru@yahoo.com said...

learning is really cool! go ate khai!